
 Food for Kitten.

After being born, we should give kittens their natural foods (mother cat’s breast milk) within 10-20 minutes. Do not forget also to feed the mother cat and give drinking when she is nursing her kittens.

In a day, kittens need to eat more than puppies: it can be five times a day for over five months old kittens, four times a day for over nine months old kittens, and then two or three times a day for adult cats. Food for a kitten should be more varied than for a puppy.

Food for a kitten should adjust according to the kitten’s age. For less than a one-month-old kitten, we should not feed the kitty with solid food. It’s only able to consume milk only. If the kitten’s age is between one to two months old, you can feed him/her, but at first, it’s better than the food is soft and contains water (you can buy it in supermarkets).

You need to give the kitten milk that doesn’t contain LACTOSE. Sometimes people’s mistake in taking care of a kitten with no mother is giving the kitten cow’s milk, which is usually consumed (which contains lactose). A kitten’s body has no enzyme to digest lactose, so it can cause diarrhea and the kitten can even die.

We can purchase special milk for kittens at the pet shop, but the price is expensive. One solution to give your kitten milk is to give soybean milk (which does not contain lactose). You can buy soybean milk online or in supermarkets. The price is affordable.

Use a dropper to give the milk you should be careful to not choke the kitten. Always give your kitten milk while it’s warm or you can heat it first.

We can wean your kitten from the age of eight weeks. At this age, the mother cat will not always be with the kitten, so you can give solid food. After two months old, kittens can eat solid and dry food because they usually have perfect teeth.

Put the food for a kitten in a kitten food bowl so it won’t be easy to spill. When you change their food, Kittens usually have diarrhea. So if you want to change the food menu for the kittens, do it gradually.

For the nursing mother cat, you should or may give deworming every month. For the kittens, give them dewormers every two weeks, starting at two weeks to three months old.