Cat General Issues

general cat issues

You took a small creature into the house. This is not a cute fluffy toy, but a lively cat child, requiring a lot of attention, care, and love, however, like all the kids. He may be sad, lonely, or scared on the first day in a new place. He will cry, he won’t immediately understand where his toilet is, and he will look for his mother and siblings. Try to give him more attention on these first difficult days. Do not scold, often talk with him, caress. A kitten remembers its name almost immediately. The main thing is to call it all the time with one nickname and at first connect it with feeding, caress, and other pleasant moments. Try not to allow small children to the kitten that could cause him accidental harm, you should not let him drag him in his arms too much, squeeze–cats from birth love freedom and independence, they never put up with the situation of a living toy and can become dangerous, like any predator, even a small one. Relationships with a cat from the very first days should be built primarily on mutual respect, remember that these animals value their independence and dignity very much, are proud, noble, and fair, do not tolerate violence, orders, and rudeness, and are perfectly appreciate their kind and respectful attitude and give your love a hundredfold.

Remember, once and for all: you can not shout at a kitten and an adult cat, you can not beat and scare. The animals do not understand human words, and no matter how much you say to your pet that you can’t write here, you can’t bite him, but you can’t go in there, he will never understand you, and if you reprimand him even with elevated tones, he’ll be scared, harboring fear and distrust. The most common conflicts with a cat or cat arise in the toilet issue. Cats are spotless and require the same from their owners. The cat’s toilet should always be washed or it should have a clean filler. Most often, kittens already know how to go to a certain place. They learn this from their mother, and the new owners only need to show where the toilet is.

Do not be alarmed at the first “misses” past the cuvette–the kitten is too busy exploring the new world. It may get lost, get lost, and forget where the toilet is. In no case do you need to grab him by the scruff of his neck, poke his nose into a puddle or a heap and drag him into the toilet with formidable screams: the kitten will understand nothing, it will only get scared, and it may not connect its fear with the puddle on the floor, namely with the toilet where they poked him so rudely. Dip a piece of paper in a puddle, put it in a cat’s toilet, and put a kitten there. He will guess everything. The main thing is to do everything calmly, without screaming and anger. Often cats express their dissatisfaction with the behavior of the owner by a sudden refusal to go to the toilet and begin to do their business anywhere, in the most unexpected and outrageous places. The owner should first of all sort out himself–does he offend the cat, does he monitor the cleanliness of the toilet, etc? Often, a kitten, and an adult cat, cannot be washed: the protective fat layer is washed off from the hairs, the hair deteriorates, Yes, and there is a risk of catching a cold. It is necessary to wash it in case of an emergency if the kitten is very dirty or has run into the street.

Even if the kitten does not go outside, it can catch fleas and ear mites that “come” to our apartments on shoes, dog paws, etc. After treatment with suitable products, just in case the kitten needs to drive off worms. For prophylaxis, the animal needs to be given anthelmintic twice a year, in spring and autumn. If the catwalks freely, it is better for her to get the vaccinations in the veterinary clinic and wear an anti-flea collar. The collar will at the same time show that the cat is domestic and not homeless, and will protect it from the troubles associated not only with fleas.

Tips of How to Create Cat Bond

In any relationship, a bond or you can say a link or connection is the most important factor. So, as cat owners, you may need and want to have a better bond with your cat and vice versa. In making bonds with cats, you have to know the following easy tips which can surely change the quality of your relationship with your cats. It will be well improved. An electrifying and happy relationship with both of you will be created.

You and Your Cat’s Playtime

A regular playtime between you and your cat should be created and maintained. Regular playtime will give you lots of benefits, such as;

  • Develop your cat’s personality.
  • Solve your cat’s behavioral problem.
  • Help your cat to calm down and soothe its stress.
  • Help your cat to stay healthy, because playing is some kind of sport for the cat.
  • Decrease your cat’s aggression problems while building trust with your cat.
  • Creates an unbreakable bond with a cat.

You don’t have to buy expensive toys for playing with your cat. As you know, the cat will even tear or destroy any toys within a few hours. To save the expenses, you can make toys on your own from unused things that you can find in your house. Playing for a cat is hunting for something’s attractiveness. It means you have to make the toy as if they were prey.

You can take a rope as a toy. Starts slowly sliding the rope here and there in front of your cat when it’s relaxing. Give a sudden move as if the rope is scared when your cat tries to catch it. Sometimes also make the rope hide at something and slide it again slowly. The key to playing with your cat is making the toy seem alive; your cat will have fun. While you don’t make it easy for your cat to catch the toy, sometimes let him hold or bite it for a while to make your cat feel the achievement. Change the other things like a toy as much as you can find at home for the next playing time. It can be a ping-pong ball too.

Talking to Your Cat

You don’t have to feel weird and silly by talking to your cat, because most cat owners do this. It is better to talk to your cat in a soft voice. Act like you are answering as well when it’s meowing. Talking to your cat will help it understand your feelings based on your tone of voice. Even you can sing to your cat to make them feel happy as you do. This habit will help to create a cat bond. It will be easier for you to communicate with your cat when you really know what the cat is saying. The Cat Language Guide will help you learn the cat language, hence the communication with your cat will be improved.

Giving Cat Massage

As touch is a powerful sense, massaging your cat will help to create a strong bond as well. You should massage your cat when it’s in a relaxed mood. Some areas of your cat’s body are good to be massaged.

  • Right behind the ears.
  • Under the chin.
  • Bottom of the cheeks.
  • Shoulder blades back right (at the base of the tail).

Give Your Cat ‘Self Time’

Your cat won’t like overstimulation. They also can get bored. When your cat shows signs of irritation, you are better off leaving him alone. A cat is an independent animal. You don’t need to feel worried when it seems to avoid you sometimes. Just believe that it will come back to you when he knows you respect its own time. This will also create your bond with the cat.

Giving Yummy Cat Treats

Give your cat yummy cat treats whenever it shows good behavior, such as when it urinates in the proper place that you provide. Cat treats are available in any pet store, or you can make them by yourself by knowing the cat treat recipes. Please don’t make it too often in giving cat treats as it may affect your cat’s health. You may know when the treat is good to be given. Your cat will give more love to you and it will create and maintain a strong cat bond with you.

Cat Language

cat language1

Cat’s Verbal and Body Language

                             Cat Language Facts Only

The cat is the only animal that can purr. Purring contains 26 “cycles” per second. Understanding cat language is essential for every cat lover.

  • The device necessary for this comprises interconnected thin bones going from the base of the tongue to the base of the skull. These bones are called sublingual. When a cat growls, it vibrates with its vocal cords, and those cause resonance in thin hyoid bones. All purring cats can do this continuously while inhaling and exhaling.
  • No one knows why cats need this ability. Only small feline representatives purr–rats, cats, ocelots, etc. In large cats–lions, tigers, leopards–over hyoid bones have dense cartilages right up to the skull. They prevent the bones from vibrating, but so strengthen the entire voice apparatus that the lion can growl with a volume of up to 114 decibels.
  • Only the lion’s roar. Other big cats usually grumble, howl, hiss, and even cough and grunt.
  • Purring does not always mean that the cat is happy; some cats purr loudly when they are scared or offended.
  • The developed cat language wonderfully meets the needs of communication with relatives and people. Cats can make sounds that vary in duration, pitch, and timbre. The faster the owner learns to understand the state of his word, expressed by voice, the more trusting and friendly the animal will be.
  • A cat’s voice can shyly ask and ultimately demand. A short, open meow means a greeting. However, if it’s someone else’s cat, a desire for contact.
  • Choked meowing or loud uterine sounds — represent complaint. It is also an expression of resentment and discontent. Besides, it is also a feeling of hunger.
  • If the plaintive sounds, showing a request or displeasure, develop into loud, heart-rending screams–something hurts the cat, and it requires help.
  • Fear mixed with rage gives rise to intense tones.
  • Fighting cats emit wild cries.
  • At the moment of tenderness, you can hear cooing sounds.
  • Mother cats treat kittens carefully, with a questioning intonation.
  • Purring most often means gratitude or pleasure–especially for a well-fed cat’s purr, or when a cat is falling asleep. If a cat sees that something tasty is being cooked for her, she purrs, alternating with cries of impatience and joy.
  • Even sick and dying cat’s purr, apparently from relief, and when the pain is released.
  • According to the observation of the French scientist Dupont du Nemar, a cat can pronounce seven consonants: M, N, G, X, F, B, and R.

Do You Want to Know about Cat Language?

For you, as cat owners or cat lovers, it must be very interesting if you know the cat language. This is because sometimes when you hear your cat’s sound, which is very annoying, you might not know the cat expressed what.

As we all know, cat language has various meanings, and the sounds depend on their pronunciation. Cats can also make a sound like snoring, which many humans like. This is because the sound is not a vowel sound. The cat can make purr and meow noises at the same time.

The cat turns out that they have a cat language to communicate with humans. According to the study, conducted, it was showed that African wild cats–the descent of a domestic cat at home–do not have the capability of this cat language.

A psychologist from Cornell University, Nicholas Nicastro, compared the sound of hundreds of domestic cats (Felis Catus) and African wild cats (Felis Silvestris Lybica) several years ago.

Nicastro’s research showed that cat sounds or cat language are different when communicating different things to humans. When they ask for food, for example, the sound will be in contrast to when they are angry.

The way to examine it is Nicastro recorded about 100 “Miaw” from 12 to 26 cats and asked some people to hear them. They were asked to give the cats a sound assessment of whether it’s “seduction”, “fun”, “important” or “demand”. The score is 1 to 7. The cat’s voice tone is then analyzed to determine the pattern of “fun” or “demands”.

When the cat was not happy, the meow will be longer, lower rear sound, rugged, and powerful. “MiiiAWW!” said Nicastro to give an example. The sound happened when the cat was hungry and asked for food.

If the cat is happy, her voice is flat with energy. The voice sounded high-pitched and covered in a low tone.

After the vote and comparison, there was a difference between the wild cats of Africa. Wild cats just made unhappy sounds. They don’t have a soft voice like your cat at home.

“Cats are animals that have learned how to affect our emotions,” says a psychologist who was caring for two cats.” And when we respond, we are also home creatures.”

Perhaps the best way to understand the language of cats is to recognize the body language of cats, which is universal.

Here are a few examples of cat behavior that you can guess the mood of your cat.

  1. Tilting and moving his head back–someone came too close.
  2. Half-closed eyes and ears turned slightly to the side–your cat is comfortable with himself
  3. Directing his ears, turned back, and her pupils shrink–this is a warning. When your cat is angry, just leave him for a moment.
  4. Pupils dilated even in bright light–surprised cat.
  5. Directing his ears and eyes wide open–your cat wants to play!
  6. Leaning his ears back, closes his eyes, and looked a little–was invited to settle. Your cat tells you he will not harm you and hopes he gets the same treatment.

Cats’ body language will be easily recognizable if you study carefully the behavior of your cat.

There is also Meowlingual the translator tool cat language. After successfully creating Bowlingual (translator tool “dog language”), Takeda Co launched Meowlingual. You simply brought this tool into the cat’s head in a moment; this tool will translate the cat language into human language, like “I can not wait anymore” and others.

It would be fun if you can know the meaning of your beloved cat’s language. It is easy when you follow this guide.



  • When ears set upright–curiosity.
  • If ears are flat to the sides–hiding, flirting.
  • Ears back, eyes squinting–the cat is showing impatience.
  • When ears are tilted back, eyes are big–a warning.
  • If ears are pressed to the head–the cat is preparing for an attack.
  • Ears are pressed to the head, the tail makes circles–irritation.
  • Pipe tail (upright)–a sign of greeting and pleasure.
  • Beats the tail–angry or hunting.
  • A stretched tail that is motionless–preparing for an attack.
  • Tail down–fatigue.
  • The tail frozen below is disgust or disappointment.
  • Stirring the tip of the tail–interest.
  • The tail tip vertically raised shows relaxation or joyful excitement.
  • Squint eyes–calm or drowsiness.
  • Squinting–peace and tranquility.
  • Widely opened pupils–fear.
  • Staring at you is a challenge.
  • Big eyes and pupils–peering into the dark, afraid, angry, or playing.
  • A third eyelid appeared–the cat is sick or wants to sleep.
  • The mustache is down–concern, sadness, or illness.
  • Focuses around and then carefully licks his coat–complete or mock calm.
  • Quickly licks the front paw–worried in indecision.
  • Quickly licks nose and lips–in disarray.
  • Stroking a person with a paw–close affection, tenderness.
  • Claws loudly scratching–the desire to attract attention.
  • Bends back–intimidation of the enemy, very strong irritation, and readiness for defense.
  • Flies away from you, pulling his head into his shoulders, on long legs–he knows that he’s a cod.
  • The cat rolls on the floor–which shows its appeal.
  • The cat rolls on the floor, walk on bent legs, draws its tail, and calls–signs of estrus.
  • Lying on his back with a thoughtful look–aired, resting.
  • He sits with his paws tucked up, his tail wrapped around, watching, relaxed, waiting.
  • Dancing, tearing his forepaws off the ground and putting it back–greeting someone beloved and long-awaited.
  • The cat turns back to the owner and raises his tail–a sign of trust and reverence.
  • He extends a foot to your face–asks for attention and affection.
  • The cat tramples on his paws–he loves very much, wants to give you pleasure.
  • He hides his head in some corner–he plays.
  • Rubbing his head against a person–love, devotion, frankness, thirst for affection, as well as a sign of estrus.


  • Purring is calm.
  • An unhappy purr is a painful sensation.
  • The rumbling is discontent.
  • Meow is a greeting, and sometimes a request.
  • Intermittent meowing, like a yelp, is a response to human circulation.
  • Howling is a sign of anger.
  • A brief cry is a sign of fright.
  • A muffled purr, culminating in unhappy rumbling-signifies that patience ran out.
  • Hissing–readiness for a defense, warning about it.
  • The restrained rumbling of a nursing cat is a warning to kittens about a potential danger.
  • The same thing ends in a raised tone–a warning to a person or other creatures, so as not to approach the kittens.

Cat Dental Care; Cat Teeth Cleaning

Cat Dental Care

According to the American Veterinary Dental Society, pet dogs and cats are very susceptible to tooth and gum disease. 80% of dogs and 70% of cats show signs of illness for 3 years. Thus, as good cat owners, we should concern more about cat dental care and do cat teeth cleaning.

Have Cat Spraying Problem? Click Here to Learn How to Eliminate This.

Cat Dental Growth

Like humans, cats also have two sets of teeth. The first set is called milk teeth or deciduous. These milk teeth grow when the kitten is the 4-week-old. Milk teeth dentition continues until all the milk teeth appear all (26 teeth). It is usually up to a 6-week-old kitten. Milk teeth are not permanent and will fall when the cats are 11 to 30 weeks; it’s at the same age that human babies like to bite things when they grow new teeth. The kitten will also feel the pain in his gums, and may also experience a slight fussiness and decreased appetite because of illness.

During the period of milk teeth, the new permanent cat dental teeth will grow. The process of growth of the 30 permanent teeth usually lasts for 8-9 months. An examination by the vet needs to be done to find out whether all permanent teeth have fully grown. Sometimes, one or more of the milk teeth are not dislodged, or extra teeth appear. This will cause problems in the gums and tissues when there is an accumulation of teeth in the mouth.

Cat Teeth Cleaning; Brushing Cat Teeth.

Cat’s breath that smells bad usually shows cat dental or gum problems, and it’s the main reason people consult their cat to the vet. Like humans, cats also need their teeth to be checked by the vet twice a year, and they need their teeth to be brushed every day to maintain their dental health. Because cats can’t do it alone, it’s necessary to brush your cat’s teeth regularly when the cat is between 3-6 months old. It’s because, at 3 months, 85% of cats start having problems with their teeth.

To brush cat dental teeth, you can use a child’s toothbrush or a special toothbrush for pets (which can be purchased at pet stores) and use a special toothpaste. Don’t use human toothpaste because it’s not suitable for cats.

You can begin by brushing 1 or 2 cats’ teeth slowly and reward the cat with his favorite cat treat each time he doesn’t fight or struggle when his teeth are brushed. Repeat it for the next day and do it a little longer. Reward your cat again. If the cat wriggled, stop brushing his teeth, and don’t give the cat a treat. Try to predict the level of tolerance and end the brushing with his favorite food before the cat wriggles. Gradually increase the length of time to brush your cat’s teeth. This way, it’s expected that within two weeks of regular brushing, overall the cat’s teeth; upper and lower jaws, teeth, front, and rear can be brushed well.

One more tip for cat dental cleaning: Try to brush your cat’s teeth first in the morning before feeding your cat.

Cat Age Converter; for Your Curiosity about Cat Age

Cat Age Converter

Surely, you’ve wondered how long a cat can live. You have also wondered about the cat’s age. If our cat is a human, how old is it now? A cat age converter is crucial because it helps you understand the relationship between the cat’s age and the human’s age.

Average Cat Age

Most cats can reach the age of 11-12 years. Cats who live inside the house (indoor cats) usually live longer than cats that live outdoors (outdoor cats).

Indoor cats can reach the age of 16 years, some even reaching 20 years. The average outdoor cat’s maximum age is 8 years old.

There are some cat owners and cat lovers who asked, “What is the average cat age of feral and stray cats?” Actually, there has never been research on the life of feral and stray cats. But based on cursory observation, it looks like the cats have an average age of 4-6 years.

Cats that feed at home but still hang around outside the home have an average cat age much longer than feral and stray cats. In terms of nutrition and cleanliness of their food, it’s better than feral and stray cats. Let’s now learn about cat age converter.

Cat Ages in Human Years

There are at least some versions of the comparative age of cats with the age of humans, namely:

  1. 1-year-old cat = 6 years of age humans. So when the cat is 7 years old, he is the same age as  42 years old human.
  2. For the cat’s first year, the equivalent of the human age is 15 years. The next year, a 1-year-old cat is equivalent to 4 years old human. So if your cat 7 years old, he is equivalent to 39 years old human (15 + (6 x 4) = 15+24 = 39 years).
  3. There is also the opinion that the cat’s first year is equivalent to 20 years of human age. The next year, 1 year of a cat is equivalent to 4 years of human life. So if your cat is 7 years old, he has the human equivalent of age 20 + (6 x 4) = 20 + 24 = 44 years old.

Among differences of opinion for cat age converter, you can use the following ways to convert your cat’s age to a human’s age;

  1. For the first year of your cat’s life, allow 15 human years.
  2. Then add nine years for the second year of your cat. A two-year-old cat is equivalent to 24 years old human.
  3. Then add 4 human years each for successive years of your cat’s life.

This method is utilized for the averages only. This is because some purebred cats like Maine Coons, their maturity goes much slower and doesn’t reach full development for 3 or 4 years. Cats’ age relates to cat care, cat exercise, and cat diet like humans as well.

You can also refer to the following chart as a cat age converter easily;

Cats Age Conversion Chart

Cat Age (Years)Human Age (Years)

No matter how old your cat is, the important thing is you should give the best nutrition, regular vaccinationscare, and affection that you can give to your cat.

Besides knowing about the cat age converter, you may also like to be informed about litter boxes for cats and Understanding Cat Language.

Cat Travel Complete Guides and Tips

Cat Travel Complete Guides and Tips

Since cats do not take cat travel easily; traveling with them can be a stressful experience. They are much happier staying at home and having their friend, neighbor, or pet sitter to look after them. First, you need to evaluate your cat’s personality. Then you can decide if they should travel with you. Does he get stressed out in new situations? Does he adapt quickly to new places? Or does he like to travel in the car? You also need to consider where you will stay because some motels and hotels do not allow pets.

However, if you have to think about it a lot and there’s no other choice but to take your cats traveling, you should know the following tips about cat travel.

Think about their needs and some important things before you pack them up and go. Make sure that your cat is wearing his collar ID tags before you leave the house. Make sure as well that you bring along the things that he will need while away from home. You can pack his food, pet carrier, toys, cat beds, a litter box, the scoop and litter, a brush, and a scratching post the night before you leave.

A cat carrier is one of the most important things that you should have. You can prepare your cat for being in the carrier before the trip by leaving the flap or door of the carrier open. Give your cat time to explore the carrier by placing its favorite toy or a treat inside. Praise your cat if he enters the carrier on its own when it’s time to travel. Then you can be sure that he won’t have any problem staying inside.

The next thing you can do for good cat travel is you should stick to your cat’s regular schedule as usual as possible. Your cat will not become stressed or anxious if playtime or dinner time still occurs at the usual times. Give him extra attention because the more your cat feels at home while traveling, the more relaxed he will be.

Before you go, you can consult your vet for any medication that can prevent a difficult situation when you are traveling with your cat by car. It is advised that you should not feed your cat sooner than three hours before going. Also, do not forget to bring food and water for your cat. Remember also to bring garbage and bag paper towels, just in case you need them to clean the carrier.

If you and your cat travel by car, don’t leave your cat or kitten alone in the car for any amount of time, like when you park your car while having lunch at a restaurant. Even with the window cracked open. This is because the interior of a car can heat to deadly temperatures in minutes.

When you and your cat travel by plane, make sure the airline allows your cat to stay with you. Make sure also that the airplane has room for your cat to move around in its carrier. This is if the airline allows pets to stay with you. However, if your cat has to be carried as cargo, the important thing is you will need a crate that is comfortable for your cat and meets the specifications of the airline. You need to put some familiar items in the crate with your cat because this experience may be traumatic for them for the first time.

The above cat travel tips can make your travel experience less stressful for you and your cat. With the proper and enough preparations, you and your cat can have a relatively stress-free experience.

Choosing and Making a Good Cat Condo

Choosing and Making a Good Cat Condo

Your cats as feline friends are sometimes finicky and they like privacy. Sometimes they need to be stroked and cuddled, but then they don’t want to do anything with you. When they need privacy, you can let them do interesting activities by themselves inside your home. Providing a cat condo for them is a great idea.

A cat condo can be both fun and comforting piece of furniture for your cats. Your cats will love their cat condo.

cat condo is a mix between scratching posts, cat trees, cat towers, and a cat bed. It’s essential cat furniture that can make your lovely cats feel like a part of the family. The cat condo can be easily placed in any space in the house. Also, you can locate it permanently in a place your cats like to play.

Rather than purchasing the condo, you may try to build it if you feel handy enough. You can do this with a few tools and can access some materials. You can ask one handyperson also to help you with this task. Collect some materials with him like rough-hewn table legs or thick dowels, carpet remnants, and plywood, also tools that help such as a saw to cut the pieces to fit, a box cutter knife, and screws to fasten the bits. To fix the carpet, you can use nails, a staple gun, or heavy-duty staples.

Then you need to sketch a blueprint of the cat condo. Think about how you can personalize this furniture for your feline friends. First, select a color or pattern you think they like, whether it is bright, and whether there should be any printed pattern. Once you decide about the condo furniture part, let your handyman construct the units to help you. You can further soften the design with a comfortable cushion such as a sleeping area and manage to affix the carpet by yourself.

You may need to entice your cats into the enclosure by adding a few toys, such as a little catnip or a saucer of food. Hang them at the highest place of the cat condo, or at least place them in the vicinity. These are the kinds of additional equipment that can personalize your cat condo and keep your cats from using and loving it.

Another additional thing to your cat condo is the scratching areas. Cover the area with a sisal rope or carpet. But sisal rope is better since it doesn’t have loops and is more durable. This scratching area will help you also to save your furniture from being scratched.

Your cats will so much appreciate your cat condo and it is durable that your cat keep it used until many generations of your cats. It will also look good in your house with a great modern design, or you can also make it as a little castle or fantasy look made from plastic, steel, wood, or cardboard.

Cat Adoption; Complete Guides and Tips.

If you are interested in cats but don’t have any cats, you can do cat adoption by finding them in pet shops near you or online pet shops. But should you trust all the offers? Of course not. If you’re not careful, you will be a victim of fraud cases. Find a trusted place first for cat adoption.

Ok! after you find a reliable place that offers cats for adoption. There are more things you need to consider in cat adoption.

Do you have a cat with allergies? Please read this.

These are important things to know before adopting a cat:

  • The right time for adopting a cat is when the cat is between 6-12 weeks old.
  • Find out first and follow their regular diet for the first 1 week, so you can prevent stomach disorders such as diarrhea due to stress. Check the parent of the cat which you adopt and check the cat’s certificates.
  • Do not forget to ask the cat breeders about what vaccination has been given and which is still needed.
  • Select the type of cat or cat breed that fits you. Consider that long-haired cats need more care for their hair/fur than short-haired cats.
  • For their growth, cats need optimal nutritional intake. This is the reason complete and balanced nutritional foods are really important. Then choose cat food, which is good for your new cats.

Remember that the consideration of cat adoption is not only stopped there. You also need to estimate your abilities in caring for cats in the future. Because it’s pretty costly to take care of a cat. Then think about where you will place the cat as well. Do not forget also that after you decide to adopt the cat, the cat’s health becomes 99.99% of your responsibility.

Another thing to consider when choosing a cat is to measure how the personality of the cat and whether it will be suitable for you.

The trick is to spend a little time with the cats.

Here are the things when observing the cat’s health and behavior (it may be different for some cat breeds) for cat adoption:

  1. The first cat’s behavior shows a match with you when the cat approaches you by itself, with no aggressive reaction.
  2. Observe when you see some cats gather with others or with their mother. Choose the one which is alert, gentle, and playing happily.
  3. When the catwalk or run, make sure it doesn’t look lame. This behavior would show whether the cat is physically healthy.
  4. Make sure that there is no fluid coming out of the eyes, nose, or ear holes.
  5. If the cat is not coughing or sneezing, it is a sign of a healthy cat. However, if it shakes its head, the cat may have had cat diseases.
  6. Especially pay attention to the cat’s eyes. The third eyelid or nictitating membrane should not cover most of the eyeballs. If you do not know what the nictitating membrane is, it is a whitish membrane next to the eyelids.
  7. We must clear the dental course of plaque, and its gums are healthy with a pink mark.
  8. The cat’s skin should look clean and healthy (without a scar, scab, or lice droppings). Its fur was shiny and clean and no ball fell out.

Do not forget to perform the following steps as the conclusion about cat adoption;

  1. Consider and decide which cat breeds you like to be with since they have different appearances and traits. Ask for a cat expert’s advice in choosing a cat breed following your lifestyle.
  2. Prepare funds for the cat to ensure the proper upbringing of the cat. The money will pay for cat supplies, insurance, medicine, etc.
  3. Prepare a proper place or cage, and proper equipment for your new cats so they can live healthily and comfortably.
  4. Make sure you adopt a cat in a trusted place (cattery or breeder). Do not go to a place that has no guarantee for the authenticity of the cat’s pedigree and health. By buying a certified cat (LO) then you will get a cat with a good pedigree. Make sure the cat is free from various diseases as well.

Well, after having a cat adoption, don’t forget the focal point of caring for cats is patience.

Cat Grooming Guide-Essential for Cat Parents

Cat Grooming Guide-Essential for Cat Parents

Cat grooming is important to maintain the cat’s cleanliness and keep it in the best health. Making a habit of grooming your cat regularly will ensure that your cat won’t be sick easily.

Full cat grooming includes bathing the cat, combing the cat’s hair, cutting its nails, brushing its teeth, and cleaning the cat’s ears and eyes. However, you do not need to do all of them in one session. Instead, keep the party sessions short and frequent, so that your cat can get used to all the cat grooming sessions, and also it won’t be so nervous while going through one of them.

Cat Grooming Tips

Grooming Tip 1: Bathing

One of the most important aspects of cat grooming comprises bathing the cat. Make your cat sit in the tub, with a foot stuck on the side, and put cotton balls in its ears. Now, wet your cat with warm water and shampoo applied on his entire body, and avoid the face. Rinse with warm water and shampoo it again. After the second rinse, rub the conditioner through the cat’s hair. Let it go for one minute and rinse completely.

Make sure that after shampooing and bathing, you rinse the rest shampoo and conditioner thoroughly. Now, by using your hands, squeeze the water from your cat’s hair and then wrapped the cat in a towel. Pat with a towel and remove the cotton balls from its ears. Putting your blow-dryer on a cool setting, use it to dry your cat’s hair.

After the humidity has gone, comb your cat’s hair.

Cat Grooming Tip 2: Combing and Brushing

Brush your cat regularly, especially if it has long hair. This will prevent the existence of matted hair and hairball. While brushing your cat’s hair, follow the direction of your cat’s coat or hair, because if it’s going in the wrong direction, it may irritate the cat’s skin. If you haven’t done the cat’s hair brushing for a long time and the hair becomes tangled, it is advisable to cut your cat’s hair in prone areas. You may change the comb with the wide-toothed comb to be used to your tangled cat’s hair.

Grooming Tip 3: Trimming Nails

You should cut your cat’s nails or claws regularly. Besides preventing scratched furniture and curtains, this will also help the catwalk more easily. Start trimming your cat’s nails at an early age, so it gets used to the habit. While cutting the nails, press the pad under its foot. It makes the nails out. Always cut the tip of the nail only and stay away from the pink veins. It is sensitive and will hurt the cat if you cut the pink tissue.

Cat Grooming Tip  4: Brushing Teeth

Regularly brushing the cat’s teeth is a very important part of overall cat grooming. To clean your cat’s teeth, take a wet cloth and dip it in salt and baking soda. Rub the cloth on its teeth. Be sure to be gently rubbed, so that you won’t hurt your cat. This will help to clean your cat’s gums and mouth and ensure that it remains healthy.

Grooming Tip 5: Cleaning Eyes

Just like the other body parts of your cat, you need to clean the cat’s eye as well. For that, you need to dissolve 1/8 teaspoon salt (sodium chloride or sea salt) in ½ cup of boiled water. Now, let the water down to room temperature and then store it in a sealed container in the refrigerator. After being kept for at least one week, use it to clean your cat’s eye. Heat the water until warm, and use dip cotton balls to wipe around the eyes’ area.

Cat Grooming Tip 6: Cleaning Ears

Cleaning your cat’s ear is also an important part of the overall treatment of cat grooming. Once you have given a bath to your cat, use a clean cotton ball to remove dirt from the ear. Fold the ear and then wipe with a soft cotton ball, clean the folds as well. In case you find hard dirt on the ears, foul-smelling or more, consult it with your cat’s veterinarian.

Also read about Cat’s Vaccination

Tips and Guide about Food for Kitten


 Food for Kitten.

After being born, we should give kittens their natural foods (mother cat’s breast milk) within 10-20 minutes. Do not forget also to feed the mother cat and give drinking when she is nursing her kittens.

In a day, kittens need to eat more than puppies: it can be five times a day for over five months old kittens, four times a day for over nine months old kittens, and then two or three times a day for adult cats. Food for a kitten should be more varied than for a puppy.

Food for a kitten should adjust according to the kitten’s age. For less than a one-month-old kitten, we should not feed the kitty with solid food. It’s only able to consume milk only. If the kitten’s age is between one to two months old, you can feed him/her, but at first, it’s better than the food is soft and contains water (you can buy it in supermarkets).

You need to give the kitten milk that doesn’t contain LACTOSE. Sometimes people’s mistake in taking care of a kitten with no mother is giving the kitten cow’s milk, which is usually consumed (which contains lactose). A kitten’s body has no enzyme to digest lactose, so it can cause diarrhea and the kitten can even die.

We can purchase special milk for kittens at the pet shop, but the price is expensive. One solution to give your kitten milk is to give soybean milk (which does not contain lactose). You can buy soybean milk online or in supermarkets. The price is affordable.

Use a dropper to give the milk you should be careful to not choke the kitten. Always give your kitten milk while it’s warm or you can heat it first.

We can wean your kitten from the age of eight weeks. At this age, the mother cat will not always be with the kitten, so you can give solid food. After two months old, kittens can eat solid and dry food because they usually have perfect teeth.

Put the food for a kitten in a kitten food bowl so it won’t be easy to spill. When you change their food, Kittens usually have diarrhea. So if you want to change the food menu for the kittens, do it gradually.

For the nursing mother cat, you should or may give deworming every month. For the kittens, give them dewormers every two weeks, starting at two weeks to three months old.

Complete Basic Kittens Care

kitten care

How to Do Basic Kittens Care.

If you have a cat who delivers her kittens at home, you need to take care of both of them from other animals, or else they can get diseases easily. The kittens only need to consume milk from their mother’s nipples. These little creatures need a lot of kitten care. You still need to pay attention to the mother also by feeding her so she can keep producing milk well.

Kittens are fragile and playful creatures. They are mischievous and curious about anything. Here are some basic kittens care you should know in raising them well. These tips will be very useful if the mother of the kittens can’t take care of her kittens anymore, such as if you adopt the kittens without their mother or if the mother has died.

In kittens care, the most important thing is how you can feed them. You will need a special baby bottle with a tiny nipple on it. Feed them with a special kitten’s formula every two hours in the first week and after those three to four hours. You can find this kind of formula in veterinarian clinics or pet shops. Pay attention and follow the instructions for proper consumption in each container of the formula.

You can massage gently their genital area and tummies to help them go potty before and after feeding time. You can use a cotton pad or ball and tissues which are wet with warm water. Usually, this is done by their mother by licking them to stimulate their organs, which you may think it’s just to bathe them. At first, they may improper urinating in some improper places, but you can use urine remover for eliminating the pet odor and stain.

You need to keep them warm because kittens can’t produce their body heat yet until 3 to 4 weeks old. That’s why kittens always gathered close to each other. If you are sincere in kitten care, you can help them by putting them in a plastic tote or sturdy box and lining it with a soft warm towel or blanket. You can add some warm bottles also around, but not too hot, and maintain their temperature to about 80 degrees. The better idea is to use a heating pad or bed.

Kittens meow a lot, and it sounds like they’re crying. Some distress or hunger may cause their crying. You need to check whether they are hungry, cold, or want to go potty or not. If they’re quiet, you need also to know that maybe there’s something wrong with them. Then if you can’t figure it out by yourself, you need to consult with your trusted veterinarian immediately.

The next basic thing in kittens care is keeping them clean and dry. This is very important for their good health. Regularly change all equipment they use, such as blankets and pads. Wipe their faces and around their eyes every day by using a warm soft rag or cloth, because kittens easily get dirt around their eyes. This is essential to be done since their mom is not there to lick them. Check also your kittens’ gums regularly to make sure that mouth diseases are not an issue. Kittens’ gums should be pink, not red, and their hair or coat should be well-groomed and maintained. Be aware of the fleas and flaky scalp as well, since they can cause serious harm to the kittens.

Don’t forget also to get them vaccinated and de-wormed at the veterinarian clinics. This is important to avoid getting the upcoming risks of diseases. After that, you are more comfortable taking care of them. You can also consider some pet insurance for your kittens.

Kittens will grow up to be very good lovely pets. In short, make sure your kittens are properly fed, handled, and hygiene maintained. Care for your cat and the health of the cat or kitten. By applying basic kittens care, wish you and your kittens the best of health and luck in future years together.