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Cat’s Verbal and Body Language

                             Cat Language Facts Only

The cat is the only animal that can purr. Purring contains 26 “cycles” per second. Understanding cat language is essential for every cat lover.

  • The device necessary for this comprises interconnected thin bones going from the base of the tongue to the base of the skull. These bones are called sublingual. When a cat growls, it vibrates with its vocal cords, and those cause resonance in thin hyoid bones. All purring cats can do this continuously while inhaling and exhaling.
  • No one knows why cats need this ability. Only small feline representatives purr–rats, cats, ocelots, etc. In large cats–lions, tigers, leopards–over hyoid bones have dense cartilages right up to the skull. They prevent the bones from vibrating, but so strengthen the entire voice apparatus that the lion can growl with a volume of up to 114 decibels.
  • Only the lion’s roar. Other big cats usually grumble, howl, hiss, and even cough and grunt.
  • Purring does not always mean that the cat is happy; some cats purr loudly when they are scared or offended.
  • The developed cat language wonderfully meets the needs of communication with relatives and people. Cats can make sounds that vary in duration, pitch, and timbre. The faster the owner learns to understand the state of his word, expressed by voice, the more trusting and friendly the animal will be.
  • A cat’s voice can shyly ask and ultimately demand. A short, open meow means a greeting. However, if it’s someone else’s cat, a desire for contact.
  • Choked meowing or loud uterine sounds — represent complaint. It is also an expression of resentment and discontent. Besides, it is also a feeling of hunger.
  • If the plaintive sounds, showing a request or displeasure, develop into loud, heart-rending screams–something hurts the cat, and it requires help.
  • Fear mixed with rage gives rise to intense tones.
  • Fighting cats emit wild cries.
  • At the moment of tenderness, you can hear cooing sounds.
  • Mother cats treat kittens carefully, with a questioning intonation.
  • Purring most often means gratitude or pleasure–especially for a well-fed cat’s purr, or when a cat is falling asleep. If a cat sees that something tasty is being cooked for her, she purrs, alternating with cries of impatience and joy.
  • Even sick and dying cat’s purr, apparently from relief, and when the pain is released.
  • According to the observation of the French scientist Dupont du Nemar, a cat can pronounce seven consonants: M, N, G, X, F, B, and R.

Do You Want to Know about Cat Language?

For you, as cat owners or cat lovers, it must be very interesting if you know the cat language. This is because sometimes when you hear your cat’s sound, which is very annoying, you might not know the cat expressed what.

As we all know, cat language has various meanings, and the sounds depend on their pronunciation. Cats can also make a sound like snoring, which many humans like. This is because the sound is not a vowel sound. The cat can make purr and meow noises at the same time.

The cat turns out that they have a cat language to communicate with humans. According to the study, conducted, it was showed that African wild cats–the descent of a domestic cat at home–do not have the capability of this cat language.

A psychologist from Cornell University, Nicholas Nicastro, compared the sound of hundreds of domestic cats (Felis Catus) and African wild cats (Felis Silvestris Lybica) several years ago.

Nicastro’s research showed that cat sounds or cat language are different when communicating different things to humans. When they ask for food, for example, the sound will be in contrast to when they are angry.

The way to examine it is Nicastro recorded about 100 “Miaw” from 12 to 26 cats and asked some people to hear them. They were asked to give the cats a sound assessment of whether it’s “seduction”, “fun”, “important” or “demand”. The score is 1 to 7. The cat’s voice tone is then analyzed to determine the pattern of “fun” or “demands”.

When the cat was not happy, the meow will be longer, lower rear sound, rugged, and powerful. “MiiiAWW!” said Nicastro to give an example. The sound happened when the cat was hungry and asked for food.

If the cat is happy, her voice is flat with energy. The voice sounded high-pitched and covered in a low tone.

After the vote and comparison, there was a difference between the wild cats of Africa. Wild cats just made unhappy sounds. They don’t have a soft voice like your cat at home.

“Cats are animals that have learned how to affect our emotions,” says a psychologist who was caring for two cats.” And when we respond, we are also home creatures.”

Perhaps the best way to understand the language of cats is to recognize the body language of cats, which is universal.

Here are a few examples of cat behavior that you can guess the mood of your cat.

  1. Tilting and moving his head back–someone came too close.
  2. Half-closed eyes and ears turned slightly to the side–your cat is comfortable with himself
  3. Directing his ears, turned back, and her pupils shrink–this is a warning. When your cat is angry, just leave him for a moment.
  4. Pupils dilated even in bright light–surprised cat.
  5. Directing his ears and eyes wide open–your cat wants to play!
  6. Leaning his ears back, closes his eyes, and looked a little–was invited to settle. Your cat tells you he will not harm you and hopes he gets the same treatment.

Cats’ body language will be easily recognizable if you study carefully the behavior of your cat.

There is also Meowlingual the translator tool cat language. After successfully creating Bowlingual (translator tool “dog language”), Takeda Co launched Meowlingual. You simply brought this tool into the cat’s head in a moment; this tool will translate the cat language into human language, like “I can not wait anymore” and others.

It would be fun if you can know the meaning of your beloved cat’s language. It is easy when you follow this guide.



  • When ears set upright–curiosity.
  • If ears are flat to the sides–hiding, flirting.
  • Ears back, eyes squinting–the cat is showing impatience.
  • When ears are tilted back, eyes are big–a warning.
  • If ears are pressed to the head–the cat is preparing for an attack.
  • Ears are pressed to the head, the tail makes circles–irritation.
  • Pipe tail (upright)–a sign of greeting and pleasure.
  • Beats the tail–angry or hunting.
  • A stretched tail that is motionless–preparing for an attack.
  • Tail down–fatigue.
  • The tail frozen below is disgust or disappointment.
  • Stirring the tip of the tail–interest.
  • The tail tip vertically raised shows relaxation or joyful excitement.
  • Squint eyes–calm or drowsiness.
  • Squinting–peace and tranquility.
  • Widely opened pupils–fear.
  • Staring at you is a challenge.
  • Big eyes and pupils–peering into the dark, afraid, angry, or playing.
  • A third eyelid appeared–the cat is sick or wants to sleep.
  • The mustache is down–concern, sadness, or illness.
  • Focuses around and then carefully licks his coat–complete or mock calm.
  • Quickly licks the front paw–worried in indecision.
  • Quickly licks nose and lips–in disarray.
  • Stroking a person with a paw–close affection, tenderness.
  • Claws loudly scratching–the desire to attract attention.
  • Bends back–intimidation of the enemy, very strong irritation, and readiness for defense.
  • Flies away from you, pulling his head into his shoulders, on long legs–he knows that he’s a cod.
  • The cat rolls on the floor–which shows its appeal.
  • The cat rolls on the floor, walk on bent legs, draws its tail, and calls–signs of estrus.
  • Lying on his back with a thoughtful look–aired, resting.
  • He sits with his paws tucked up, his tail wrapped around, watching, relaxed, waiting.
  • Dancing, tearing his forepaws off the ground and putting it back–greeting someone beloved and long-awaited.
  • The cat turns back to the owner and raises his tail–a sign of trust and reverence.
  • He extends a foot to your face–asks for attention and affection.
  • The cat tramples on his paws–he loves very much, wants to give you pleasure.
  • He hides his head in some corner–he plays.
  • Rubbing his head against a person–love, devotion, frankness, thirst for affection, as well as a sign of estrus.


  • Purring is calm.
  • An unhappy purr is a painful sensation.
  • The rumbling is discontent.
  • Meow is a greeting, and sometimes a request.
  • Intermittent meowing, like a yelp, is a response to human circulation.
  • Howling is a sign of anger.
  • A brief cry is a sign of fright.
  • A muffled purr, culminating in unhappy rumbling-signifies that patience ran out.
  • Hissing–readiness for a defense, warning about it.
  • The restrained rumbling of a nursing cat is a warning to kittens about a potential danger.
  • The same thing ends in a raised tone–a warning to a person or other creatures, so as not to approach the kittens.