Arthritis in Pets-Healthy Home Remedies

Arthritis is an inflammation of the joint. It’s derived from the Greek words “arthron” meaning joint and “itis” meaning inflammation.

Inflammation is your body’s natural response to fight infection. When your body is injured, white blood cells accumulate and gather around the area of injury. These white blood cells are designed to attack foreign substances and bacteria. As a result, inflammation and swelling occur.

What are the types of Arthritis?

There are over 100 various types of arthritis. Right now, we’ll focus on the most common type found in both pets and people.

Osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative arthritis or degenerative joint disease, is one type of arthritis. In this arthritis, the cartilage between the joint bones wears away. In severe cases, the cartilage completely wears away, allowing the two joint bones to rub against one another. Eventually, the body replaces the lost cartilage with calcium deposits and osteophytes–dense, ivory-like spurs.

The result is stiffness, pain, and loss of mobility that can seriously degrade one’s quality of life.

Other types of arthritis include Infective Arthritis and Auto-Immune Arthritis. Since they’re far less common, I’ll give you a brief scope.

Infective Arthritis results in contact with bacteria like E. coli or Staphylococci. Joints can get infected in one of two ways.
1. Direct penetration of the joint by a nail, bite, or any sharp object.
2. Spreading through the bloodstream.

Early diagnosis for this arthritis is imperative and is done through blood tests or x-rays.

If this is the case, antibiotics and the rest are your pet’s best friends.

Auto Immune Arthritis usually affects several joints. Rheumatoid Arthritis is an example. This happens when the immune system, designed to fight foreign invaders, fights the body instead. Fortunately, this is one of the least common forms of arthritis found in pets.

Taking samples of the joint fluid provides a diagnosis. If bacterial and fungal cultures are not present, immune arthritis could be present.

Causes and Treatments

The causes of osteoarthritis may be genetic. Some breeds, such as Burmese cats and Labradors, are predisposed to this kind of arthritis because of hip dysplasia.

More common causes of osteoarthritis develop after trauma to the joint. This is such as dislocating it or tearing a ligament. Infection in the joint or abnormal stress on the joint surfaces also causes osteoarthritis.

In younger dogs, abnormal stress could result from a bone failing to develop properly. In older dogs, the common causes of arthritis are obesity or normal wear and tear. This comes from years of activities that put pressure on the joints.

Also, researchers are finding allergies to cause osteoarthritis. Certain pet foods have these allergens. Under the Healthy Diet section, you’ll learn what to look for in pet foods and what to avoid.

What treatments are available for osteoarthritis in pets?

  •  Exercise is crucial–even in small amounts.
  •  A healthy diet and proper nutrition will provide the resources your pet needs to beat arthritis.
  •  If your pet has experienced major trauma to the joint, surgery might be necessary.
  •  Anti-inflammatory medications. Beware of Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and corticosteroids. They are unfortunately associated with a high rate of side effects, including gastrointestinal ulceration and kidney problems. Some of these drugs are being taken off the market because of lethal side effects.
  •  Homeopathic arthritis pain relief for dogs and cats is a quick and natural alternative. It controls pain and inflammation, allowing your pet to move with ease.
  •  Acupuncture gives excellent results in pain management and mobility.
  •  Herbal medicines are designed to provide a holistic treatment for arthritis in pets and humans.
  •  Glucosamine and chondroitin are components for repairing cartilage derived from shellfish and animal cartilage. NOTE: If you decide to use this treatment, first make sure your pet is not allergic to shellfish. Also, never get synthetic versions as the chemicals used cause more damage than good.

Remember, first deal with the source of the problem. If your cat or dog is overweight, let’s manage an exercise and diet routine to shed those pounds.

 Healthy Diet to Treat Arthritis in Dogs and Cats

What your pets eat affects their lives. It either helps them or hurts them.

Many health problems stem from a poor diet–you can avoid these problems by understanding basic pet nutrition. So, you must learn which ingredients are good for your pet and which are harmful.

Read Carefully. This is your pet’s ticket to eating healthy and feeling good again.

So what’s the #1 thing you should do next time you’re shopping for pet food?


We all have only the best intentions for our furry friends when we shop for high-profile pet food claiming to be a premiumchoice, or complete and balanced. I’m holding nothing back when I say that means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

Read the ingredients.

Here’s a list of ingredients of look for:

  • Whole meats like chicken, turkey, bison, venison–You’ll get exactly what it claims you are getting. Whole meat is clean, contains no internal organs, and is way easier for your dog or cat to digest.
  • Fruits and Veggies–Apples, squash, blueberries, cranberries, sweet potatoes. These are all ground up in the food for added nutrients. Fiber is good!
  • Meals–Chicken meal, fish meal, and turkey meal are all just dehydrated ‘whole’ products. They contain calcium. It is a bit more difficult to digest but is way cleaner and safer than a by-product.
  • Chicken for Dogs or Beef for Cats–By law, the word “for” means it must contain at least 95% of said meat. Whereas the word “with” as in beef with liver means it must contain at least 3% of said meat, liver.
  • Oatmeal & Fish–Oats are highly digestible and good for soothing upset pet tummies. Fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. This type of fat combats inflammation and relieves pain from arthritis in dogs–and people too.

Here’s a list of ingredients to AVOID:

  • Corn, Wheat, and Soy–are used in pet food as cheap, low-quality fillers. No nutritional value. These are the 3 biggest culprits for food allergies in cats and dogs. Allergic symptoms include itchy, red, flaky skin, and a dull coat.

These allergens may also be a contributing factor to arthritis in pets.

  • By-product–Some by-products are more harmful than others. All by-products are an unreliable source of protein from meat. What might be in your by-product food is horse remains, diseased livestock, roadkill, euthanized animals, feathers, feet, and waste. Your animal would not eat this type of food in the wild.

By-products usually have an exorbitant amount of chemical traces (like phenobarbital) and meat rendered but tainted with poison and bacteria. You can easily replace the ‘filler’ with cleaner and healthier ingredients safe for your pet.

  • General ingredients like animal fat, animal digest, and meat meal you do not know what could contain (and you don’t want to know). Instead, you want to look for things that are more specific, like chicken fat and chicken meal. That way, you know exactly what is in the food.
  • Brewers Rice. White rice or brown rice are both okay–brewer’s rice is not. Why? It’s a non-nutritive filler which is a waste product of the alcohol industry and harsh on intestines.
  • BPA, BHA, BHT, TBHQ, propyl gallate, propylene glycol, and ethoxy quin. Chemical preservatives make the food last longer. However, every single one of them has been proven to cause liver and kidney failure, cancer, or other life-threatening diseases in lab rats.

They will tell you that in small quantities, the preservatives are safe. But if you stop and think about it, your pet will ingest small quantities of these preservatives every day over his/her entire life span. They then build up to toxic levels inside the body, and that’s when they become deadly. Naturally, preserved food is what your pet needs.” Mixed tocopherols” is a natural preservative.

  •  Melamine–was recalled in 2007 for causing thousands of pets to die.
  • “Flavor”–Chicken flavor, beef flavor, anything with flavor contains no chicken, no beef. The scary thing with flavor is that it could mean just about anything chemical or some by-product.
  • Titanium dioxide is used to make paint white, extremely harmful when consumed.
  • “Slices” and “bits” and “shreds”–This is just wheat gluten or soy that’s been formed, cut, dyed, and shaped to look like pieces of meat

Remember, Complete and Balanced and Premium Choice does not guarantee the nutritional value of pet food! You need to read the small text behind the flashy cover.

Need some pet food pointers? I recommend holistic foods like Canidae, Wellness, or Innova. They have all high-quality ingredients, plus you can find them at almost any health food store. It’s more expensive than Walmart’s food, but you’re getting top-quality ingredients and saving on future veterinary bills.

A raw food diet is also an excellent way to go. And it was less expensive. You know exactly what your pet is eating because you prepare it yourself from scratch. If you’d like to know more about raw food diets and how to prepare them, email me at the contact link below.

I know this is a mouthful, but it will make a big difference in your pet’s quality of life and their arthritis.

Fun, Quick Exercise Tips to Get Your Pet Moving Again

Stop arthritis aches and pains from striking again!

The goal here is to build up your pet’s ability to move around more freely with less pain. Moreover, have fun doing it.

Most of these exercises are a lot easier to do with dogs. You can’t take most cats out for walks or go swimming. And if you can, excellent! But for everyone else with cats that have arthritis, I wrote a special section for you below.

This exercise routine has the following benefits:

  • Increases joint mobility
  • Aides weight management
  • Speeds healing time
  • And improves attitude

Ready, let’s go!

· 5-10 Minutes–Warm-Up

Start with a slow warm-up–a slow-paced walk is great for this.

· 20-30 Minutes–Aerobic

Match activities to your dog’s ability, such as a fast leash walk. Your dog could accompany you while you jog or even bike. Build up to 5 days per week.

If you have access to a place where your dog can swim, it’s an excellent way to introduce low-impact
aerobic exercise.

· 20-30 Minutes–Play Time

Play is a splendid way to keep your dog active. Play your dog’s favorite game, a ball, a frisbee, or anything else that keeps your dog interested.

· 5-10 Minutes–Cool Off

Slow down the pace with a gentle walk and be sure to give your dog plenty of water.

Exercise is as important for cats as it is for dogs.

Here are 3 easy exercise tips to get your cat in gear on a 4-paw-drive.

  1. Stimulate your cat with play. You can use the feather on a stick that cats go crazy over. A toy mouse or a little plastic ball for them to kick around works too.
  2. Exercise wheel. Yes, they’re made for cats too.
  3. Climbing posts. Cats love to climb; it’s what they’re made to do. Give them the opportunity and most likely they’ll happily take it.

If you decide you want to try taking your cat out for a walk, you can get a cat harness. Some cats take well to it.

Another option is hydrotherapy. It’s a technique to promote blood circulation and faster healing. You hire a professional to teach your cat to swim. The problem with this though is that most cats despise being in the water. But it’s an option. You know your cat – use your best judgment.

Just like in humans, the levels of pain from arthritis can change from day to day.

You can see if your cat or dog is excited to play or lethargic. Match your pet’s ability to the amount of exercise each day.

Remember, these exercises help get your pet in shape, and feeling better, and never strain them. If you feel it will help get things moving, use a homeopathic pain reliever. Can’t hurt to try.

What are you waiting for? You now know more about arthritis than most people who HAVE arthritis. Get up and take action in treating your pet’s arthritis now!

Vaccinations for Cats are Essential

Today we touch on cat vaccination. Do you need or need not vaccinate your four-legged friends? The veterinary legislation provides a simple answer: “Each owner must vaccinate his animal from 3 months of age, annually, throughout his life.” An unvaccinated animal always becomes infected.

There is an opinion that rabies vaccination, especially in cats, causes severe complications. What are these fears based on? The fact is that earlier, rabies formal vaccine was used for vaccination, which really caused many complications. At the moment, this vaccine is discontinued. The existing vaccines are absolutely safe for both cats and dogs.

For persuasiveness, we can say that the course of treatment for parvovirus enteritis will cost the owner at least 7,000 rubles, and even if the dog survives, then the likelihood of developing heart complications is likely to significantly shorten the life span of the animal. While vaccination with a quality multivalent vaccine will cost only 350-400 rubles. On one visit to the doctor, you will vaccinate your animal from all the most dangerous infectious diseases.

 I would like to dispel another dangerous misconception. Many owners are sure that dogs older than 5–7 years old, if they have been vaccinated before, vaccination is unnecessary and they will not get sick. First, lifelong immunity occurs after a disease, and not after vaccination. Second, even in ill animals, the immune system weakens with age. Therefore, both Western and Russian veterinarians agree with the common opinion that the vaccination of animals is necessary annually throughout life.

Now about the cats. Many owners are convinced that a cat who does not leave the apartment cannot get sick. This misconception often affects our four-legged friends as infectious diseases. It must be remembered that the door of your apartment is not an obstacle to infection and regularly vaccinate your animals.

Cat Vaccinations; Cat Vaccination’s Schedule & Guide.

Cat vaccinations are the processes of growing and developing the cat’s body defense system, with the goal that cats who have been given vaccinations are protected from contracting infectious diseases, until there’s no onset of symptoms, or to limit the process of pathogen infection by infectious agents.

In practice, vaccination programs are done to protect cats against specific diseases caused by microorganisms, such as bacteria and viruses. Against other infectious agents, like parasites, preventive vaccination is still under development to be effective.

Vaccines can protect the cat’s body against infectious agents that are pathogens primarily, by forming antibodies, besides it also secondarily forms the Cellular Mediated Immunity (CMI) system and encourage the formation of local antibodies. Such vaccines can prevent the onset of symptoms, but are not able to prevent re-infection, which is shown by the distemper vaccine, ICH, and panleukopenia.

FVR (Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis) vaccines showed vaccines that are only able to prevent the symptoms without being able to prevent re-infection. The vaccines are only able to activate cellular immunity and encourage local antibody formation until they can prevent infection.

Considering that cat vaccination is important enough for our cats, here’s the cat vaccination schedule that may help you to know when and what your cat needs vaccinations;

Cat Vaccination Schedule

Age 8-10 weeks

General Examination Tricat Vaccination (Feline Panleukopenia, Rhinotracheitis, Calici) or Tetracat (Tricat + Chlamydia) Giving helminthic (medication against worms)

Age 12-14 weeks

General Examination Deuteronomy Tricat Vaccination (Feline Panleukopenia, Rhinotracheitis, Calici) or Tetracat (Tricat + Chlamydia)

Age 20 weeks

General Examination Rabies Vaccination

Special for cats over 6 months old who had never been on the vaccine;

• General Examination
• Tricat Vaccination (Feline Panleukopenia, Rhinotracheitis, calici) or Tetracat (Tricat + Chlamydia)
• Rabies Vaccination

Kittens less than 6 months old should be vaccinated Tricat 2 times with a duration space of about 1 month. This is the minimum recommendation. Based on the conditions in recent years, immunity tends to decrease. So for kittens who are 6 months old-1-year-old for their first-time vaccine, once is not enough, so need to be re-vaccinated (booster).

For cats over 1-year-old who have not been vaccinated at all, Tricat / Tetracat vaccine once a year is enough, do not need a booster (revaccination) a month later.

For cats who are less than 1-year-old who have never been given a rabies vaccination, rabies vaccine can be given at minimum after 4 months old, after the first and second Tricat vaccine have been given (generally giving the rabies vaccine to cats after the Pertama. age of 6-7 months).

There’s a need for boosters within a distance of about one month, especially for kittens who are less than 6 months old (<1 year), because the level of the kitten’s immune who has the first-time vaccine, once vaccinated, the antibodies would not immediately be formed in the body of the cat.

In a healthy cat, the increase of antibodies occurs in 2-4 weeks after vaccination. The peak occurs several weeks after the increasing levels of immunity begin. After that, the level of immunity will be reduced slowly. Although it has reached its peak, the number of antibodies produced is usually not sufficient to protect cats from diseases. Therefore, they need a vaccine booster approximately one month after the first vaccine is given.

As the name implies, boosters will cause the number of antibodies to be much more in relatively faster than the first vaccine.

Antibodies formed after the second vaccine are usually sufficient to protect cats from diseases. After reaching the peak, gradually the number of antibodies will be reduced. The duration for the decreasing antibodies after giving the booster vaccine is usually much longer than the first vaccine.

There are two main reasons kittens should be vaccinated twice / booster vaccinated:

First, the active immune system (which comes from the body itself) is not strong yet, so the amount of antibodies generated from the first vaccine is usually not enough. Second, kittens still have passive immunity (maternal antibodies) derived from the parent.

Table Guide for Cat Vaccinations.

NoDiseasesVaccine TypeVaccination 1(weeks)Vaccination 2(weeks)RepetitionVaccination Method
2.Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis (FVR)MLV8 (or <)12AnnualIM
3.Feline Caliciviral Disease (FCD)MLV8 (o r<)12AnnualIM


–          IM: intramuscular

–          SC: subcutaneous

–          IN: topical

–          MLV: Modified Live Virus Vaccines

Besides concerning cat vaccination, you may also need information about cat care, and cat age converter.

Grooming Cuddly Kitties is Fun

Grooming cuddly kitties is a dream every cat owner nurtures. However, given the varying personalities of cats (ranging from independent to aloof to downright hostile), this dream may not invariably come true. It is without fail worth an attempt. The trick is to start along the path of grooming with a lot of patience & the right methods.

The cats’ most right for lap training includes:

* Those born of friendly and loving parents 

* Kittens below the age of 12 weeks 

* Cats and kittens are raised with affection and reward rather than verbal or physical punishment.

The cats most wrong for lap training include:

* Cats who have not been around humans for the first 7-12 weeks of their lives

* Cats who have a hereditary temperament to be aloof and hostile

* Reclusive cats who value their independence

It is not practically possible to change these cats into lovers of cuddling, petting, or lap sitting. The maximum progress one can make with such cats is to help them change. Help them have a vacation out of their shell and be friendly towards human beings.

Generally, an effective way to train cats to be open to cuddling and petting is to reduce the physical distance between you and them. Not that you bodily pick them up. Plunk them onto your lap. And also refuse to let them get away! This could work in the opposite direction too and the cat will forever live in trepidation about you. If you let the cat come to you and move away from you as and when it pleases, it helps a great deal because cats are masters of their own desires.

A useful tip for getting cats to willfully come closer to you is to lure them with food. This makes grooming cuddly kitties easier. Attempt this experiment when you are alone with a cat in a spacious room. Position yourself in one place in the room and stay put there. Next, keep with you a bowl of the cat’s favorite food treats (it may help if your cat is hungry or if you do this just before mealtime). Toss a treat from the bowl in one direction of the room and make your cat look for it and chew it up. Continue the process, but by tossing the food a little closer to you every time.

Have you Read: The Top 10 Litter Boxes in 2020

Cat General Issues

general cat issues

You took a small creature into the house. This is not a cute fluffy toy, but a lively cat child, requiring a lot of attention, care, and love, however, like all the kids. He may be sad, lonely, or scared on the first day in a new place. He will cry, he won’t immediately understand where his toilet is, and he will look for his mother and siblings. Try to give him more attention on these first difficult days. Do not scold, often talk with him, caress. A kitten remembers its name almost immediately. The main thing is to call it all the time with one nickname and at first connect it with feeding, caress, and other pleasant moments. Try not to allow small children to the kitten that could cause him accidental harm, you should not let him drag him in his arms too much, squeeze–cats from birth love freedom and independence, they never put up with the situation of a living toy and can become dangerous, like any predator, even a small one. Relationships with a cat from the very first days should be built primarily on mutual respect, remember that these animals value their independence and dignity very much, are proud, noble, and fair, do not tolerate violence, orders, and rudeness, and are perfectly appreciate their kind and respectful attitude and give your love a hundredfold.

Remember, once and for all: you can not shout at a kitten and an adult cat, you can not beat and scare. The animals do not understand human words, and no matter how much you say to your pet that you can’t write here, you can’t bite him, but you can’t go in there, he will never understand you, and if you reprimand him even with elevated tones, he’ll be scared, harboring fear and distrust. The most common conflicts with a cat or cat arise in the toilet issue. Cats are spotless and require the same from their owners. The cat’s toilet should always be washed or it should have a clean filler. Most often, kittens already know how to go to a certain place. They learn this from their mother, and the new owners only need to show where the toilet is.

Do not be alarmed at the first “misses” past the cuvette–the kitten is too busy exploring the new world. It may get lost, get lost, and forget where the toilet is. In no case do you need to grab him by the scruff of his neck, poke his nose into a puddle or a heap and drag him into the toilet with formidable screams: the kitten will understand nothing, it will only get scared, and it may not connect its fear with the puddle on the floor, namely with the toilet where they poked him so rudely. Dip a piece of paper in a puddle, put it in a cat’s toilet, and put a kitten there. He will guess everything. The main thing is to do everything calmly, without screaming and anger. Often cats express their dissatisfaction with the behavior of the owner by a sudden refusal to go to the toilet and begin to do their business anywhere, in the most unexpected and outrageous places. The owner should first of all sort out himself–does he offend the cat, does he monitor the cleanliness of the toilet, etc? Often, a kitten, and an adult cat, cannot be washed: the protective fat layer is washed off from the hairs, the hair deteriorates, Yes, and there is a risk of catching a cold. It is necessary to wash it in case of an emergency if the kitten is very dirty or has run into the street.

Even if the kitten does not go outside, it can catch fleas and ear mites that “come” to our apartments on shoes, dog paws, etc. After treatment with suitable products, just in case the kitten needs to drive off worms. For prophylaxis, the animal needs to be given anthelmintic twice a year, in spring and autumn. If the catwalks freely, it is better for her to get the vaccinations in the veterinary clinic and wear an anti-flea collar. The collar will at the same time show that the cat is domestic and not homeless, and will protect it from the troubles associated not only with fleas.

Tips of How to Create Cat Bond

In any relationship, a bond or you can say a link or connection is the most important factor. So, as cat owners, you may need and want to have a better bond with your cat and vice versa. In making bonds with cats, you have to know the following easy tips which can surely change the quality of your relationship with your cats. It will be well improved. An electrifying and happy relationship with both of you will be created.

You and Your Cat’s Playtime

A regular playtime between you and your cat should be created and maintained. Regular playtime will give you lots of benefits, such as;

  • Develop your cat’s personality.
  • Solve your cat’s behavioral problem.
  • Help your cat to calm down and soothe its stress.
  • Help your cat to stay healthy, because playing is some kind of sport for the cat.
  • Decrease your cat’s aggression problems while building trust with your cat.
  • Creates an unbreakable bond with a cat.

You don’t have to buy expensive toys for playing with your cat. As you know, the cat will even tear or destroy any toys within a few hours. To save the expenses, you can make toys on your own from unused things that you can find in your house. Playing for a cat is hunting for something’s attractiveness. It means you have to make the toy as if they were prey.

You can take a rope as a toy. Starts slowly sliding the rope here and there in front of your cat when it’s relaxing. Give a sudden move as if the rope is scared when your cat tries to catch it. Sometimes also make the rope hide at something and slide it again slowly. The key to playing with your cat is making the toy seem alive; your cat will have fun. While you don’t make it easy for your cat to catch the toy, sometimes let him hold or bite it for a while to make your cat feel the achievement. Change the other things like a toy as much as you can find at home for the next playing time. It can be a ping-pong ball too.

Talking to Your Cat

You don’t have to feel weird and silly by talking to your cat, because most cat owners do this. It is better to talk to your cat in a soft voice. Act like you are answering as well when it’s meowing. Talking to your cat will help it understand your feelings based on your tone of voice. Even you can sing to your cat to make them feel happy as you do. This habit will help to create a cat bond. It will be easier for you to communicate with your cat when you really know what the cat is saying. The Cat Language Guide will help you learn the cat language, hence the communication with your cat will be improved.

Giving Cat Massage

As touch is a powerful sense, massaging your cat will help to create a strong bond as well. You should massage your cat when it’s in a relaxed mood. Some areas of your cat’s body are good to be massaged.

  • Right behind the ears.
  • Under the chin.
  • Bottom of the cheeks.
  • Shoulder blades back right (at the base of the tail).

Give Your Cat ‘Self Time’

Your cat won’t like overstimulation. They also can get bored. When your cat shows signs of irritation, you are better off leaving him alone. A cat is an independent animal. You don’t need to feel worried when it seems to avoid you sometimes. Just believe that it will come back to you when he knows you respect its own time. This will also create your bond with the cat.

Giving Yummy Cat Treats

Give your cat yummy cat treats whenever it shows good behavior, such as when it urinates in the proper place that you provide. Cat treats are available in any pet store, or you can make them by yourself by knowing the cat treat recipes. Please don’t make it too often in giving cat treats as it may affect your cat’s health. You may know when the treat is good to be given. Your cat will give more love to you and it will create and maintain a strong cat bond with you.

Bringing a New Cat Home

Bringing a New Cat Home

It does not matter where you are getting a new cat from; whether from an urban street, a home, a country barn, or a cat shelter, the first day in your home is critical and unique. It helps when you try first to understand some facts about how cats adapt to their world before bringing a new cat home. Before starting the cat adoption process, you first need to know what it entails with bringing a new cat home.

For every cat, territory is very essential. A cat will view his/her territory the same way most of us see our clothing, and without them, we feel vulnerable and naked. Place a naked person in a room full of strangers, and you will see him/her trying to hide. It is normal for new cats, irrespective of whether they are from the streets or home, to hide in new territory in their new home. Under-socialized or very sensitive cats can hide for a week or even more than a week. You realize the cat is the new member of the family, but it is not crystal clear to the new kitten.

You can facilitate the easier and smoother transition of the cat to a new home by providing enough privacy for the new cat. If manageable, first prepare your home before you adopt a pet. Choose a suitable place for the litter box; possibly a bathroom that seems to work well for many cat owners. Make sure the litter box has one to two inches amount of litter and place it in the corner of the bathroom if possible. Don’t know which litter box is suitable for your cat? Look no more The Top 10 Litter Boxes in 2017

Then make a safe cat shelter for him/her to hide. You can do this by buying a covered bed for the cat. Get a big bed for your cat to turn around, lie down, stretch, and stand up while keeping the bed cozy. Put the bed in a corner or next to a wall where the kitty can see the door of the room. This is good, for it makes the cat feel not trapped. Place corrugated cardboard, sisal, or cork scratching post next to the bed. Then, prepare a clean shelf for the new cat to settle on to perceive his new world.

After preparing your new cat’s bathroom, you can now cat-proof the other rooms in your house. Are there some raised surfaces for the new cat? If the answer to that is a ‘no,’ make some. Cats naturally need to survey and jump up their territory.

Do you possess any valuable households that can easily break? Put them away for some time until the new cat has settled fully in the new home. Check out all the crannies and nooks. Are there surfaces or places that could be unsafe for the cat’s exploration or hideout? If that is the case, make sure you block them. You should finally put a scratching pad or post in all rooms of your house.

If unavoidable circumstances make you bring in the new cat before your home is set, keep the cat in the carrier until his or her room is set up. The new cat will feel safe there for a little longer. Place a freshwater fountain opposite the litter box.  After setting up the cat’s room, put the carrier near the “safe haven.” Make sure you close the room door before opening the carrier. Make sure you do not get the cat out. Instead, allow him/her to come out on his/her own and start exploring the new home. Leave the room now for the cat to have enough time to acclimate. Prepare some quality premium cat food and place it next to the drinking fountain.

Do not reach the cat. Let the kitty come to you instead. If the new cat does not come to you, leave the room and come back after fifteen minutes. Don’t get shocked if he/she doesn’t eat. It is normal for a re-homed cat to have no interest in eating, usually for a couple of days. Pick up the food remains and leave the room. Come back after some hours with a small amount of fresh food of high quality. If you notice the cat is openly not hiding, soliciting affection, and eating, you can now open the door for him to give him some more space. Do this at a slow pace to introduce the cat to every room in his/her new home.

Always remember that the cat should be the one to set the pace. All that is needed from you is patience. It may take a couple of weeks before the new cat understands that this new turf is his/her new territory. It may be hard for the first-time cat owner, but you will have an awesome bond with your feline over time.

9 Ways to Welcoming and Bringing a New Cat Home

Let me first congratulate you. It does not matter whether you are a first-time cat owner; you have just started a healthy relationship that is bound to be full of affection and fun. By starting off the right way, you can reduce that tough change time many new relationships face. Want to learn how to get your cat to like you? Here are a few cat preparation tips that will ensure a smooth ride between you and your new kitty.

  • Go at a slow pace. A new cat will require seven to fourteen days to relax in his/her new home. Save meet-and-greet with relatives, neighbors, and friends until you realize your cat is comfortable eating and eliminating normally. 
  • Provide a safe hiding place for your cat to get his/her bearings. This will allow her to have sufficient time to observe the new family’s routine from a dark, small space of her own. A laundry room or a bathroom works well. Supply the hiding room with cat amenities like a water fountain, litter box, and food. Make sure there is a comfortable place in the room for you to sit because you will need to spend some time with your cat in his/her hiding place. 
  • Make sure you take your new feline to a veterinarian to get a wellness exam within a week after adoption. This will ensure that you get well informed of any condition or weird cat behavior your new kitten may have. 
  • Offer the same food your cat had in the cat shelter for the first one or two weeks after adoption. After one or two weeks, you can decide to switch your cat’s food to a different brand or flavor. Ensure that in the first or two weeks of the new food introduction, mix a quarter ration of the new brand of food with the old favorite food of the cat. From there, move up the ratio of the new food to old food by about 10 percent each day. 
  •  Put a litter box not only in a quiet place but also in a low-traffic area. After all, every person deserves a bit of privacy when peeing, and giving your cat that privacy will help reduce any litter box-related problems. Are you unsure of the litter to use? Many cats prefer grain-clumping litter. You should first try that unless the new cat is very young and in the litter-eating stage. For kitties under the age of ten weeks, non-clumping litter is recommended for them. Check out The Top 10 Litter Boxes in 2017. 
  •  Cats are natural scratchers, so make sure you have a strong, rough-textured scratching post to avoid wear and tear on your furniture. You can get a scratching post for every room that has soft furniture in your house, thus blocking access to the furniture. You should also install sticky tape on every corner of upholstered furniture to discourage scratching. Giving your cat a manicure after 10 to 14 days will help in reducing the damage.
  •  Make sure your cat-proof your house before allowing your feline to have a run for it. Put away household poisons, human medications, and harsh cleaning products. Now is when you re-home any toxic houseplant. If a kitten is a newcomer, make sure you lock away any breakable things and keep the toilet lid closed always. 
  •  If your finances allow you, buy a cat tree for the new member of the family. Given that cats like to survey their territory, a high perch will be his favorite resting place.
  •  After your cat settles in, he/she will be keen to play. Make sure you get him/her interactive toys, like kitty fishing poles and feather wands, to direct energies towards something positive and to engage attention. 
  •  Ensure there is a comfortable cat perch, which will be better if it overlooks the bird feeder, on a sunny windowsill. Observing Squirrels and birds cannot be compared with any kitty videos at any time.

Above are a few cat preparation tips you should put in place when bringing a new cat home. Getting a cat will give you a long-term friend and family if you start off on the right path. Do not miss that opportunity. Be prepared for the good things to come your way when you adopt a cat.

Don’t Miss: The Cat Language Bible Review- How to Understand Different Cats Meowing

Cat Language

cat language1

Cat’s Verbal and Body Language

                             Cat Language Facts Only

The cat is the only animal that can purr. Purring contains 26 “cycles” per second. Understanding cat language is essential for every cat lover.

  • The device necessary for this comprises interconnected thin bones going from the base of the tongue to the base of the skull. These bones are called sublingual. When a cat growls, it vibrates with its vocal cords, and those cause resonance in thin hyoid bones. All purring cats can do this continuously while inhaling and exhaling.
  • No one knows why cats need this ability. Only small feline representatives purr–rats, cats, ocelots, etc. In large cats–lions, tigers, leopards–over hyoid bones have dense cartilages right up to the skull. They prevent the bones from vibrating, but so strengthen the entire voice apparatus that the lion can growl with a volume of up to 114 decibels.
  • Only the lion’s roar. Other big cats usually grumble, howl, hiss, and even cough and grunt.
  • Purring does not always mean that the cat is happy; some cats purr loudly when they are scared or offended.
  • The developed cat language wonderfully meets the needs of communication with relatives and people. Cats can make sounds that vary in duration, pitch, and timbre. The faster the owner learns to understand the state of his word, expressed by voice, the more trusting and friendly the animal will be.
  • A cat’s voice can shyly ask and ultimately demand. A short, open meow means a greeting. However, if it’s someone else’s cat, a desire for contact.
  • Choked meowing or loud uterine sounds — represent complaint. It is also an expression of resentment and discontent. Besides, it is also a feeling of hunger.
  • If the plaintive sounds, showing a request or displeasure, develop into loud, heart-rending screams–something hurts the cat, and it requires help.
  • Fear mixed with rage gives rise to intense tones.
  • Fighting cats emit wild cries.
  • At the moment of tenderness, you can hear cooing sounds.
  • Mother cats treat kittens carefully, with a questioning intonation.
  • Purring most often means gratitude or pleasure–especially for a well-fed cat’s purr, or when a cat is falling asleep. If a cat sees that something tasty is being cooked for her, she purrs, alternating with cries of impatience and joy.
  • Even sick and dying cat’s purr, apparently from relief, and when the pain is released.
  • According to the observation of the French scientist Dupont du Nemar, a cat can pronounce seven consonants: M, N, G, X, F, B, and R.

Do You Want to Know about Cat Language?

For you, as cat owners or cat lovers, it must be very interesting if you know the cat language. This is because sometimes when you hear your cat’s sound, which is very annoying, you might not know the cat expressed what.

As we all know, cat language has various meanings, and the sounds depend on their pronunciation. Cats can also make a sound like snoring, which many humans like. This is because the sound is not a vowel sound. The cat can make purr and meow noises at the same time.

The cat turns out that they have a cat language to communicate with humans. According to the study, conducted, it was showed that African wild cats–the descent of a domestic cat at home–do not have the capability of this cat language.

A psychologist from Cornell University, Nicholas Nicastro, compared the sound of hundreds of domestic cats (Felis Catus) and African wild cats (Felis Silvestris Lybica) several years ago.

Nicastro’s research showed that cat sounds or cat language are different when communicating different things to humans. When they ask for food, for example, the sound will be in contrast to when they are angry.

The way to examine it is Nicastro recorded about 100 “Miaw” from 12 to 26 cats and asked some people to hear them. They were asked to give the cats a sound assessment of whether it’s “seduction”, “fun”, “important” or “demand”. The score is 1 to 7. The cat’s voice tone is then analyzed to determine the pattern of “fun” or “demands”.

When the cat was not happy, the meow will be longer, lower rear sound, rugged, and powerful. “MiiiAWW!” said Nicastro to give an example. The sound happened when the cat was hungry and asked for food.

If the cat is happy, her voice is flat with energy. The voice sounded high-pitched and covered in a low tone.

After the vote and comparison, there was a difference between the wild cats of Africa. Wild cats just made unhappy sounds. They don’t have a soft voice like your cat at home.

“Cats are animals that have learned how to affect our emotions,” says a psychologist who was caring for two cats.” And when we respond, we are also home creatures.”

Perhaps the best way to understand the language of cats is to recognize the body language of cats, which is universal.

Here are a few examples of cat behavior that you can guess the mood of your cat.

  1. Tilting and moving his head back–someone came too close.
  2. Half-closed eyes and ears turned slightly to the side–your cat is comfortable with himself
  3. Directing his ears, turned back, and her pupils shrink–this is a warning. When your cat is angry, just leave him for a moment.
  4. Pupils dilated even in bright light–surprised cat.
  5. Directing his ears and eyes wide open–your cat wants to play!
  6. Leaning his ears back, closes his eyes, and looked a little–was invited to settle. Your cat tells you he will not harm you and hopes he gets the same treatment.

Cats’ body language will be easily recognizable if you study carefully the behavior of your cat.

There is also Meowlingual the translator tool cat language. After successfully creating Bowlingual (translator tool “dog language”), Takeda Co launched Meowlingual. You simply brought this tool into the cat’s head in a moment; this tool will translate the cat language into human language, like “I can not wait anymore” and others.

It would be fun if you can know the meaning of your beloved cat’s language. It is easy when you follow this guide.



  • When ears set upright–curiosity.
  • If ears are flat to the sides–hiding, flirting.
  • Ears back, eyes squinting–the cat is showing impatience.
  • When ears are tilted back, eyes are big–a warning.
  • If ears are pressed to the head–the cat is preparing for an attack.
  • Ears are pressed to the head, the tail makes circles–irritation.
  • Pipe tail (upright)–a sign of greeting and pleasure.
  • Beats the tail–angry or hunting.
  • A stretched tail that is motionless–preparing for an attack.
  • Tail down–fatigue.
  • The tail frozen below is disgust or disappointment.
  • Stirring the tip of the tail–interest.
  • The tail tip vertically raised shows relaxation or joyful excitement.
  • Squint eyes–calm or drowsiness.
  • Squinting–peace and tranquility.
  • Widely opened pupils–fear.
  • Staring at you is a challenge.
  • Big eyes and pupils–peering into the dark, afraid, angry, or playing.
  • A third eyelid appeared–the cat is sick or wants to sleep.
  • The mustache is down–concern, sadness, or illness.
  • Focuses around and then carefully licks his coat–complete or mock calm.
  • Quickly licks the front paw–worried in indecision.
  • Quickly licks nose and lips–in disarray.
  • Stroking a person with a paw–close affection, tenderness.
  • Claws loudly scratching–the desire to attract attention.
  • Bends back–intimidation of the enemy, very strong irritation, and readiness for defense.
  • Flies away from you, pulling his head into his shoulders, on long legs–he knows that he’s a cod.
  • The cat rolls on the floor–which shows its appeal.
  • The cat rolls on the floor, walk on bent legs, draws its tail, and calls–signs of estrus.
  • Lying on his back with a thoughtful look–aired, resting.
  • He sits with his paws tucked up, his tail wrapped around, watching, relaxed, waiting.
  • Dancing, tearing his forepaws off the ground and putting it back–greeting someone beloved and long-awaited.
  • The cat turns back to the owner and raises his tail–a sign of trust and reverence.
  • He extends a foot to your face–asks for attention and affection.
  • The cat tramples on his paws–he loves very much, wants to give you pleasure.
  • He hides his head in some corner–he plays.
  • Rubbing his head against a person–love, devotion, frankness, thirst for affection, as well as a sign of estrus.


  • Purring is calm.
  • An unhappy purr is a painful sensation.
  • The rumbling is discontent.
  • Meow is a greeting, and sometimes a request.
  • Intermittent meowing, like a yelp, is a response to human circulation.
  • Howling is a sign of anger.
  • A brief cry is a sign of fright.
  • A muffled purr, culminating in unhappy rumbling-signifies that patience ran out.
  • Hissing–readiness for a defense, warning about it.
  • The restrained rumbling of a nursing cat is a warning to kittens about a potential danger.
  • The same thing ends in a raised tone–a warning to a person or other creatures, so as not to approach the kittens.

Cat’s Five Senses

cat five senses

The cat’s five senses include taste, vision, touch, hearing, and smell. These senses vary in intensity with ours.


One of the first cat’s five senses is vision. The cat has eyesight 6 times sharper than humans. In bright sunlight, the pupils narrow to narrow clicks. In low light or the dark, they are large and round. The cat uses the slightest glimmers of light. Her twilight vision is very sharp. For a long time, the prevailing opinion was that the cat sees everything in gray. In the past decade, after many experiments, scientists have concluded that a cat distinguishes between six primary colors and 25 shades of gray. And the favorite color of most of them is red.

The ears perceived acoustic stimuli not only, but also through the nerve cells of the eyes, which can hear (!) and transmit signals to the brain.

Here is a tiny ant crawling six meters away. It is indistinguishable from the human eye. But nothing escapes the cat wandering around the garden. The development of a cat’s vision is simply fantastic. One glance–and she “grasps” everything that moves. She, for example, simultaneously sees a bird jumping to the right along the branches of a bush, a bumblebee sitting on the left of the flower, and also that same ant, located a few meters from it. It was verified that if the mistress passes by at a distance of one hundred meters, the cat will recognize her by only one shape.

Cat’s eyes, incomprehensible and mysterious, are just a miracle. They glow in the dark, because the small nerve endings-sticks in the retina especially react to a small light stream, “clarifying” the image. At dusk, the cat sees six times better than a person. The pupil, resizing, regulates the flow of light.

The cat’s eye has a third eyelid. It is located in the inner corner of the eye. For cat owners, an enlarged third eyelid is an alarm, as this may result from a disease–for example, severe exhaustion.

The cat is the owner of huge eyes. Among all domestic animals, the cat’s eyes are the largest in comparison with the size of its own body. And if the size of the eye in the human body was the same as that of a cat, the human eye would have 20 centimeters in diameter!


The second cat’s five senses are smell. A cat cannot exist without a world of odors. Having lost sight and hearing, she will adapt to life, having lost her instinct–never, she is doomed to death.

Besides the nose, the cat has an additional sense of smell, the Jacobson organ,–these are two narrow channels that begin immediately after the upper incisors and continue in the sky into the Stenson channels. To use it, the animal lifts its upper lip and opens its mouth, drawing air through the mouth into the nose, as if tasting the air. The functions of the Jacobson organ have not yet been studied, and there are several versions of its use.

First, it is believed that this organ is adapted to perceive the smell of food and supplements the information about it got by the organ of smell. The cat, besides the nasal, also has a mouth smell.

According to another version–it serves to perceive sex pheromones. It is used to search for a sexual partner.

Supporters of the third version believe that this body can detect the slightest changes in the chemical composition of air and attribute it to the “sixth sense”, which allows the cat to foresee such natural disasters as an earthquake and volcanic eruptions.

Although the cat’s sense of smell is much finer than ours, the dog is a great specialist in this respect, because it hunts mainly with the nose. The sense of smell for a cat is important in another area–contact, the exchange of information with others. What people with words and gestures, cats affected by labels, and control of their odor? Cats practice this exchange of courtesies in a very characteristic way. They leave an odorous stream of urine and spray places with the smell of their rivals and cats living in the same territory, acting with enviable endurance and constancy.

Cats leave significantly less harsh odors with their odorous glands on the paw pads. What inspires a cat as “Chanel No. 5” is imperceptible to us. The cat rubs his neck and cheeks with an absolutely enthusiastic look where his sympathy was strolling, expressing his hidden sexual or militant mood. These movements of cats are not identical to the way they rub their cheek against a person. When a cat deals with a person, he thus shows his location.

In cats, the smell of certain plants, such as mint and thyme, for example, has a very strong stupefying effect. Stupefies pets and elderberries.


The third cat’s five senses is touch. Even in absolute darkness and silence, when the cat cannot navigate in space with the eyes and ears, she is not helpless; she has tactile vibrissa hairs. Whiskers act as highly sensitive antennas and provide invaluable help in the cat near the orientation. They are located above the eyes, on the upper lip, cheeks, chin, and on the underside of the anterior Lanka. These hairs are very hard and thick, their roots are in the skin much deeper than the rest of the hair and are richly innervated, that is, a huge number of nerve endings penetrate the root of the hair.

Vibrissa on the face is specially developed, they are usually called a mustache. The mustache is located above the upper lip in four horizontal rows. The most powerful and longest mustaches are in the second and third rows.

A cat’s whiskers are not a decorative element–they perform vital functions. Thanks to them, the animal receives a wide variety of information. The mustache is incredibly sensitive to the slightest irritation and picks up air vibrations. They don’t even have to touch objects, but it’s enough to catch the air currents that arise when the cat approaches various obstacles. The slightest vibration of the tip of the hair is transmitted to the root, where it is perceived by the sensitive nerve endings, which immediately inform the brain about it.

In facial expressions, a luxurious mustache plays an important role. A cat can push them forward in pleasant anticipation of affection or an angry snarl pressed against the face.

The tactile hairs of cats are like sensitive antennas. Using the hair of a cat, the information received is recorded, which is sent to her brain, that is, a natural feline oscilloscope works. Thus, the cat examines its hunting territory with infallible reliability.

Vibrissae and tactile hairs do not fall out with the hair during hormone-induced molting. They are lost singly and continuously restored. Under no circumstances should vibrissa be trimmed!

Sometimes cats-mothers get bored with the vibrissa of their babies and they gnaw off the little “antennae” of the kittens. Whether this makes any other sense is not yet known for certain. Perhaps the cat thus wants to prevent the fact that some overly curious kitten does not get out of the “nest” too early. 5-6 months pass before the baby regains its normal “mustache”.


The fourth cat’s five senses is hearing. Cats have a great ear! Nature endowed their hearing organs with amazing abilities: they can filter out from all everyday noises those that the cat considers the most important (for example, the sound of the owner’s footsteps). And even in their eyes, as already mentioned, there are nerve cells that transmit noise inaudible to us, to the brain. For us people, the “silence of nature”, for a cat, is a real concert of rustles, rustles, buzzes, and crunches — 27 muscles “tune” both ears, independent of each other, in any direction. There is a small fold of skin on the edge of the ear, and there is speculation that this is nothing but a resonator.

Besides the fact that the cat’s hearing is much finer than that of a human, it still perfectly deciphers the “language of mice”. Mice communicate using sound signals in the 40 kHz region. Cats easily catch these “mouse talks” and always have accurate information when the mouse is about to leave its mink. The following data is presented: the lower threshold of the sound range is 30 Hz, the upper is 60-65 kHz, and for 10-day-old babies, the upper limit is even higher–100 kHz. By comparison, the dog reacts to the sound frequency of about 40 kHz, a person can capture the sounds of a frequency of 20 kHz.

The cat’s hearing, although very subtle, is selective: her ears respond only to those sounds that are of any interest to her. If the sound is loud but familiar, the cat will not even wake up, but if the stranger, although very quiet, will immediately beware, listen.

The cat’s sensitivity to sound volume is 3 times higher than that of a human!” If we listen to loud music or the TV rattles in the room, we should give the cat the opportunity to go to another room.”


The fifth cat’s five senses is taste. The taste organs distinguish between acidic, salty, sweet, and bitter substances. Cats recognize bitter and salty substances and, worse, sweet ones. This, but apparently, is because they live prey to the wild ancestors of the domestic cat and had a bitter and brackish taste of blood and meat.

The cat’s tongue, like ours, has taste buds. And the cat is extremely picky about the taste and consistency of the food offered to her. It is a pedantic client industry for the production of animal feed. Typically, a cat is offered 10 flavoring directions, from which she, having tried, recognizes (if at all recognizes) usually two or three varieties.

On the upper side of the tongue are small horn hooks, which are perceived as rough sandpaper by human skin. From licking with this rasp tongue, our skin will turn red after just a few touches. Horn hooks clean and licks the cat’s hair, helping the cat cope with a large piece of meat, scraping individual fibers.

The cat does not lap up the water with a flat tongue, but gives it the shape of a small groove and quickly captures the liquid and sends it into the mouth.


Cat’s five senses work together in many settings. The ability to find your home. The cat’s eye can not only perceive optical stimuli in a wide range, but it also responds to acoustic signals. Cats perceive the exact sound picture of their surroundings. The “register” various noises (the sound of bells, factory beeps, animal voices, the noise of work in a peasant’s yard, etc.). They determine the noises’ remoteness, volume, and angle of incidence of sound, perceiving this optical-acoustic picture as their home environment. A cat, lost in the countryside, will try to catch especially expressive noises, the familiar rustles of her house.

Are you curious about the age of your cat? Use our cat age converter.

Cat Dental Care; Cat Teeth Cleaning

Cat Dental Care

According to the American Veterinary Dental Society, pet dogs and cats are very susceptible to tooth and gum disease. 80% of dogs and 70% of cats show signs of illness for 3 years. Thus, as good cat owners, we should concern more about cat dental care and do cat teeth cleaning.

Have Cat Spraying Problem? Click Here to Learn How to Eliminate This.

Cat Dental Growth

Like humans, cats also have two sets of teeth. The first set is called milk teeth or deciduous. These milk teeth grow when the kitten is the 4-week-old. Milk teeth dentition continues until all the milk teeth appear all (26 teeth). It is usually up to a 6-week-old kitten. Milk teeth are not permanent and will fall when the cats are 11 to 30 weeks; it’s at the same age that human babies like to bite things when they grow new teeth. The kitten will also feel the pain in his gums, and may also experience a slight fussiness and decreased appetite because of illness.

During the period of milk teeth, the new permanent cat dental teeth will grow. The process of growth of the 30 permanent teeth usually lasts for 8-9 months. An examination by the vet needs to be done to find out whether all permanent teeth have fully grown. Sometimes, one or more of the milk teeth are not dislodged, or extra teeth appear. This will cause problems in the gums and tissues when there is an accumulation of teeth in the mouth.

Cat Teeth Cleaning; Brushing Cat Teeth.

Cat’s breath that smells bad usually shows cat dental or gum problems, and it’s the main reason people consult their cat to the vet. Like humans, cats also need their teeth to be checked by the vet twice a year, and they need their teeth to be brushed every day to maintain their dental health. Because cats can’t do it alone, it’s necessary to brush your cat’s teeth regularly when the cat is between 3-6 months old. It’s because, at 3 months, 85% of cats start having problems with their teeth.

To brush cat dental teeth, you can use a child’s toothbrush or a special toothbrush for pets (which can be purchased at pet stores) and use a special toothpaste. Don’t use human toothpaste because it’s not suitable for cats.

You can begin by brushing 1 or 2 cats’ teeth slowly and reward the cat with his favorite cat treat each time he doesn’t fight or struggle when his teeth are brushed. Repeat it for the next day and do it a little longer. Reward your cat again. If the cat wriggled, stop brushing his teeth, and don’t give the cat a treat. Try to predict the level of tolerance and end the brushing with his favorite food before the cat wriggles. Gradually increase the length of time to brush your cat’s teeth. This way, it’s expected that within two weeks of regular brushing, overall the cat’s teeth; upper and lower jaws, teeth, front, and rear can be brushed well.

One more tip for cat dental cleaning: Try to brush your cat’s teeth first in the morning before feeding your cat.

Cat Age Converter; for Your Curiosity about Cat Age

Cat Age Converter

Surely, you’ve wondered how long a cat can live. You have also wondered about the cat’s age. If our cat is a human, how old is it now? A cat age converter is crucial because it helps you understand the relationship between the cat’s age and the human’s age.

Average Cat Age

Most cats can reach the age of 11-12 years. Cats who live inside the house (indoor cats) usually live longer than cats that live outdoors (outdoor cats).

Indoor cats can reach the age of 16 years, some even reaching 20 years. The average outdoor cat’s maximum age is 8 years old.

There are some cat owners and cat lovers who asked, “What is the average cat age of feral and stray cats?” Actually, there has never been research on the life of feral and stray cats. But based on cursory observation, it looks like the cats have an average age of 4-6 years.

Cats that feed at home but still hang around outside the home have an average cat age much longer than feral and stray cats. In terms of nutrition and cleanliness of their food, it’s better than feral and stray cats. Let’s now learn about cat age converter.

Cat Ages in Human Years

There are at least some versions of the comparative age of cats with the age of humans, namely:

  1. 1-year-old cat = 6 years of age humans. So when the cat is 7 years old, he is the same age as  42 years old human.
  2. For the cat’s first year, the equivalent of the human age is 15 years. The next year, a 1-year-old cat is equivalent to 4 years old human. So if your cat 7 years old, he is equivalent to 39 years old human (15 + (6 x 4) = 15+24 = 39 years).
  3. There is also the opinion that the cat’s first year is equivalent to 20 years of human age. The next year, 1 year of a cat is equivalent to 4 years of human life. So if your cat is 7 years old, he has the human equivalent of age 20 + (6 x 4) = 20 + 24 = 44 years old.

Among differences of opinion for cat age converter, you can use the following ways to convert your cat’s age to a human’s age;

  1. For the first year of your cat’s life, allow 15 human years.
  2. Then add nine years for the second year of your cat. A two-year-old cat is equivalent to 24 years old human.
  3. Then add 4 human years each for successive years of your cat’s life.

This method is utilized for the averages only. This is because some purebred cats like Maine Coons, their maturity goes much slower and doesn’t reach full development for 3 or 4 years. Cats’ age relates to cat care, cat exercise, and cat diet like humans as well.

You can also refer to the following chart as a cat age converter easily;

Cats Age Conversion Chart

Cat Age (Years)Human Age (Years)

No matter how old your cat is, the important thing is you should give the best nutrition, regular vaccinationscare, and affection that you can give to your cat.

Besides knowing about the cat age converter, you may also like to be informed about litter boxes for cats and Understanding Cat Language.

Cat Travel Complete Guides and Tips

Cat Travel Complete Guides and Tips

Since cats do not take cat travel easily; traveling with them can be a stressful experience. They are much happier staying at home and having their friend, neighbor, or pet sitter to look after them. First, you need to evaluate your cat’s personality. Then you can decide if they should travel with you. Does he get stressed out in new situations? Does he adapt quickly to new places? Or does he like to travel in the car? You also need to consider where you will stay because some motels and hotels do not allow pets.

However, if you have to think about it a lot and there’s no other choice but to take your cats traveling, you should know the following tips about cat travel.

Think about their needs and some important things before you pack them up and go. Make sure that your cat is wearing his collar ID tags before you leave the house. Make sure as well that you bring along the things that he will need while away from home. You can pack his food, pet carrier, toys, cat beds, a litter box, the scoop and litter, a brush, and a scratching post the night before you leave.

A cat carrier is one of the most important things that you should have. You can prepare your cat for being in the carrier before the trip by leaving the flap or door of the carrier open. Give your cat time to explore the carrier by placing its favorite toy or a treat inside. Praise your cat if he enters the carrier on its own when it’s time to travel. Then you can be sure that he won’t have any problem staying inside.

The next thing you can do for good cat travel is you should stick to your cat’s regular schedule as usual as possible. Your cat will not become stressed or anxious if playtime or dinner time still occurs at the usual times. Give him extra attention because the more your cat feels at home while traveling, the more relaxed he will be.

Before you go, you can consult your vet for any medication that can prevent a difficult situation when you are traveling with your cat by car. It is advised that you should not feed your cat sooner than three hours before going. Also, do not forget to bring food and water for your cat. Remember also to bring garbage and bag paper towels, just in case you need them to clean the carrier.

If you and your cat travel by car, don’t leave your cat or kitten alone in the car for any amount of time, like when you park your car while having lunch at a restaurant. Even with the window cracked open. This is because the interior of a car can heat to deadly temperatures in minutes.

When you and your cat travel by plane, make sure the airline allows your cat to stay with you. Make sure also that the airplane has room for your cat to move around in its carrier. This is if the airline allows pets to stay with you. However, if your cat has to be carried as cargo, the important thing is you will need a crate that is comfortable for your cat and meets the specifications of the airline. You need to put some familiar items in the crate with your cat because this experience may be traumatic for them for the first time.

The above cat travel tips can make your travel experience less stressful for you and your cat. With the proper and enough preparations, you and your cat can have a relatively stress-free experience.